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November | 2013 | Lifestyle

All posts on November, 2013


Take Our Doctor Who Quiz

With the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who and a special episode to celebrate this Saturday, we decided to make a quiz to find out if you can tell a real animal from a monster featured in the classic sci-fi series. Everyone remembers the Daleks, Cybermen and K9, but will you be able to pick out some of the lesser known villains that have graced our screens over the last half a century. Take The Quiz

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ChristmasHealth and Beauty

How to Choose a Fragrance for Her

With Christmas already knocking on our doors, gift-shopping is becoming more and more important. As we try to figure out what to get for our friends and family, the thought of fragrances often comes up – it is a classic choice as a perfume is both practical, personal, beautiful and whatever other attributes you want to give it. But how does one choose a fragrance for someone else? How do you buy a perfume your special lady will love? Here are some guidelines:

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ASDA Direct Sell XBox One for £3429!

We have been keenly following the news about the release of the Xbox One and PS4, and getting more and more excited as their release becomes imminent – just in time for Christmas. Imagine our horror when we received an email detailing ASDA Direct’s latest offers and discovered that they intended to launch the XBox One at a price £3429. We have been saving up for our console in the past few months, but this price put it firmly out of our reach.

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