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May | 2017 | Lifestyle

All posts on May, 2017


Dementia Awareness

If you have a close family member or friend with dementia, you are likely to be acutely aware of how distressing this neurocognitive disorder can be. There are a wide range of different diseases that are categorised as dementia, the most common being Alzheimer’s; but all are characterised by a progressive loss of memory, language skills and other cognitive abilities. Early Diagnosis It is a popular misconception that once diagnosed with terminal dementia, a person must be completely reliant on others for their well-being. This can often depend on what stage the person’s illness has progressed to. Diagnosing the disease …

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10 Reasons to Visit York

The second in our 10 Reasons to Visit… series, York certainly comes out top for us. Although we may be a just a little biased as it’s also our home town, ask anyone who has visited and they are sure to agree with our sentiments. The NRM The National Railway Museum is the greatest railway museum in the world, and welcomes almost a million visitors each year. With over 100 locomotives on display, your visit will take you back in time through 300 years of rail history. The NRM is a fun day out for the whole family, and the …

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10 Reasons to Visit Portsmouth

Portsmouth is a wonderful seaside city with a proud naval heritage and no shortage of great things to see and do. Here are 10 ideas to help you get started and plan your trip. The Mary Rose Museum The Mary Rose was one of Henry VIII largest warships. It battled the French for 34 years – Brits loved doing that back then. It sank in the Solent in 1545 under mysterious circumstances. In true British style we blamed the weather. It was raised from the seabed in 1982. HMS Victory This is Admiral Nelson’s famous ship. He defeated a load of …

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How to Make Your Hike a Walk in the Park

May is national walking month, and as such, we have put together this handy guide to help you make sure you are prepared for every aspect of your walking holiday. There is something about a walking holiday that shouts adventure. It is an escape from the humdrum of the office and a chance to venture into the wilderness. You too can be Bilbo Baggins, running out the front door without your handkerchief. Before you set off though, here are a few things that you shouldn’t leave behind. You Can Keep Your Hat On For some people, a holiday is all about being in the sun, …

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