Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Valamar Hotels and Resorts Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Valamar Hotels and Resorts
The Natural Resort Solaris. Main features include close location to local beaches; half board availability; minutes away from the sports centre; Wi-Fi access; free parking space; air conditioning; outdoor swimming pool; and an on-site buffet restaurant;
Ended: 2013-06-17
The Lanterna Apartments. Main features include rooms that can cater from 3 to 6 individuals; a la carte terrace restaurants; half board availability; nearby beaches with playgrounds; minutes away from sports centre; apartment village disco and bars; Wi-Fi access; and free parking space.
Ended: 2013-06-30
The Pina Residence. Main features include spacious beachfront rooms; situated minutes away from the beach; strolling through the coast to Porec; Wi-Fi access; air conditioning; outdoor swimming pool; and on-site buffet restaurant.
Ended: 2013-07-01
The Albona Hotel & Residence. Main features include comfortable rooms; window view of the Cres island; kids' animation program; Children's Maro Club and playground; fitness room; massage and beauty studio; Wi-Fi access; free parking space; outdoor swimming pool; on-site buffet restaurant; and situated minutes away from the beach.
Ended: 2013-06-14