Updated Fri 17 January 2025
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Expired coupons for Little Bird
Old Deals at Little Bird
The Amazing Bubbleman kid's theatre show. It is interactive; educational; entertaining; live performance; comedy; artistic; bubble dynamics; and with spellbinding bubble tricks.
Ended: 2013-07-27
A 5-week swim with Aquababies/Aquadkiddies package. The package involves valuable swimming skills; fun; promote water confidence; breathing exercises; age appropriate; encourages physical and social development; enhances awareness; improves eating and sleeping patterns; promotes co-ordination; and located in London, West Sussex, Hampshire, and Drayton.
Ended: 2013-07-24
Kattoo, The Temporary Tattoo for kids. It is for small and big kids; peace of mind for parents; applied with water; done via a special Kattoo pen; 2-minute application process; safe; colourful design; function fashion; and removed via hot towel or babyoil.
Ended: 2013-07-21
The Kids Fest summer festival package. The package is good for 2 days; for all ages; mini shows; billboard artists; wild west show; circus show; inflatable village; vintage fun fair rides; and 4 free child entrance tickets to the Marsh Farm.
Ended: 2013-08-11
The 1-year subscription from Ideal Home Magazine. The subscription includes 2 magazines for you to choose, big savings on a full subscription, and receive monthly issues first before they hit stores
Ended: 2013-12-01
The Monster Factory London Underground Play Tent. It features a train theme for play, is water resistant, comes with UV protection, good for use indoors and the outdoors, can be assembled quickly, and with open and closing windows and doors for the "ticket office."
Ended: 2018-12-31
A pregnancy massage at Urban Bliss. It is ideal for expecting mothers, enables you to enjoy the special massage (to help you relax, get rid of toxins, and improve wellbeing), involves deep tissue techniques, service provided by a professional masseuse with 9 years of experience, and ideal for women on their 2nd trimester.
Ended: 2013-11-23
The Silver chain bracelet. It has a lightweight construction, with a 4 cm length chain, and comes in varying charms (pink flip flop, diamante dragon fly, strawberry plus diamante, and 3 coloured pearl objects).
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
If you're looking for a way to connect with your target family market, LittleBird is the perfect place to do so. With its family-friendly audience, the site offers exclusive deals and discounts that can't be found anywhere else. The site is a family-focused e-commerce platform that has a highly social database of active online purchasers. Its unique approach to marketing enables brands to build brand awareness and a loyal customer base in the fastest time. Users can access discount codes when shopping online and have them applied to their total purchase. Discount codes offer up to 50% off.
The website offers an extensive range of experiences and activities for children and their families. You can sign up for a newsletter or become a member for exclusive offers. LittleBird also welcomes reviews from customers, so you can get some firsthand information about its products. You can also save money on your next family outing by signing up for LittleBird's newsletter. LittleBird also offers discounts for membership and offers.
You can get discounts for activities at local play centres, family restaurants, and educational experiences. Whether it's a fun day out for the whole family or an exciting family break, LittleBird has something for every occasion. Whether you're a busy working mum or a stay-at-home mom, LittleBird is the right place to find the best deals for your family. And with discounts on everything from local attractions to activities, you're sure to find something your whole family will enjoy.