Updated Sat 08 February 2025
Zapper Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Zapper
Receive cash in return for selling your used discs and books! Simply enter the barcodes of your current items, view each of their value, drop off your items via Collect+, and receive a cheque/cash in return after filling in your mailing details!
Ended: 2014-02-01

Free iPhone app for those who want to know how much their collection of DVD, CD, books, and games are worth. This app can be downloaded in the AppStore and it is essential for you to use when you have lots of decluttering to do. You just need to scan what you want to sell and you will get its value in minutes.
Ended: 2014-02-01

Sell the books that you are not using and get them exchanged for cash. They accept more books than others do and they also give better prices as with other companies in the same business. You can know the amount of your book by simply placing the barcode on the space provided for.
Ended: 2014-02-01

You can sell your CDs and DVDs that are not really in use and make money out of it. The price of your collection can be determined by simply typing in the barcode of your DVD or CD on the box. After this, they will value your collection.
Ended: 2014-02-01

Codes for other stores..
Store's Description
Zapper is an online platform that makes selling unwanted items quick and easy. It is free and enables anyone to sell items in bulk within minutes. Users can search through car boot sales, attics, and even bookshelves to sell items in bulk. Zapper also helps users advertise their items, which is one of the reasons the startup secured its highest investment on Dragon's Den. Here's a look at how it works.