Updated Thu 23 January 2025
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Old Deals at From The Box Office
Save up to 50% on tickets for the London, West End performance of This House at the Garrick Theatre. This fantastic political drama is set in 1974, and shows the harsh realities of politics in this time.
Ended: 2014-01-01
Enjoy the fantastic Stomp West End Show that has been wowing audiences for decades. With up to 64% off, book your tickets today through boxofficetheatre.com.
Ended: 2014-01-01
Save up to 32% and get your ticket for this exciting magic show for less. The show contains incredible illusions, stunts and tricks. Book your place today for less.
Ended: 2014-01-01
Watch this iconic novel brought to life in the Playhouse theatre. As relevant today as it ever was, the dark tale unravels and will not disappoint. Visit boxofficetheatre.com to find out more.
Ended: 2014-01-01
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Store's Description
If you want to enjoy the theatre or an exhibition without spending a lot of money, you can purchase tickets to From The Box Office. You can find tickets for famous plays, comedy shows, and more, all at an affordable price. Not only will you be able to see your favourite show at a discounted rate, but you will also be able to enjoy the latest deals and discounts. From The Box Office also offers a newsletter, so you can subscribe to receive exclusive discounts and announcements about new plays and events.
From The Box Office is a theatre ticket company that was established in 2012. It is a trusted online marketplace that offers tickets to all major live events. The site allows customers to book tickets well in advance or last-minute. Since its inception, the site has sold over seven million tickets. It allows customers to view seats prior to purchasing them and book directly into the venue. This website is great for last-minute bookings because you can view them before buying them.
Using From The Box Office is an easy way to buy theatre tickets online in the United Kingdom. You can buy the tickets you want online, and they will be processed at the venue's box office in real time. Plus, there are no hidden fees. It's worth checking out reviews to make sure you're buying a legit ticket. Moreover, From The Box Office is a member of the Secure Tickets from Authorized Retailers scheme, which means that all its transactions are safe and secure.