Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Fonehouse Discount Codes
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Expired coupons for Fonehouse
Old Deals at Fonehouse
You can have the iPhone 5S for free if you go for the £74.99 monthly plan for 24 months. With this plan, you will get unlimited minutes and texts with 50GB of data. You will surely love the new specs from the iPhone 5S. It has a new Touch ID fingerprint sensor to make sure you refrain from pocket dialling.
Ended: 2014-08-01
The HTC One can be yours for free if you go for the Vodaphone £52 per month plan. This plan is good for 24 months and it gives you unlimited minutes and texts. You will also have a 4G network with 8GB data through this plan.
Ended: 2014-08-01
You can get the Nokia Lumia 625 for only £9.99 when you go for the T-mobile plan of £16.99 a month. This plan lasts for 24 months and you will be given 100 minutes plus unlimited texts per month. A 1GB data is also included in this offer.
Ended: 2014-08-01
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Store's Description
Fonehouse.co.uk is a website where you can buy phones and mobile accessories. The website accepts credit and debit cards and offers free delivery to mainland United Kingdom addresses. You can read customer reviews to find out whether or not Fonehouse delivers on its promises. You can also check the availability of sim cards and accessories and if the companys service is good. This store also offers a warranty for its sold products.
Founded in 1994, Fonehouse is a reputable UK mobile phone retailer and offers the same brands as its competitors. They also sell sim-only deals, which means you can buy the phone and pay for it monthly. Fonehouse also offers SIM-only deals and gives you the option to buy a phone with or without a contract. Whether youre looking for a new phone or a SIM-only plan, youll find the right price on the Fonehouse website.