Updated Sat 18 January 2025
Warranty Wise Discount Codes
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Expired coupons for Warranty Wise
Old Deals at Warranty Wise
Book your perfect car warranty at Warranty Wise now and enjoy a massive 10% discount! Moreover, £5 will be donated to Comic Relief! Hurry and book now!
Ended: 2013-03-16
Not sure if Warranty Wise is the perfect warranty for your car? Well, it is, but you can still get your money back if you are not happy with the terms. And you have all of 30 days to do it!
Ended: 2018-12-31
All the available covers at Warranty Wise are thoroughly explained in these brochures which you can download quickly and easily right now! And absolutely free of charge too!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Do you find yourself at a loss when it comes to understanding what your warranty actually means? Are the words foreign and complicated? Warranty Wise explains them all in an easy and very understandable way - check it out now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Do you feel that your existing warranty doesn't cover everything you need? Here's a quick and easy solution - the Warranty Wise warranty additions! They are cheap, comprehensive and utterly amazing!
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
Warrantywise.co.uk is a company which provides extended vehicle warranties and maintenance plans to private individuals and dealer groups. It has been in business for over 20 years and is owned by a family. The senior partners are Fellows of the Motor Industry and have run successful businesses in the motor industry for many years. The website also features reviews from customers, so you can rest assured that it's worth checking out. Here are some of the benefits of Warrantywise:
The company offers a range of cover options that vary according to the level of cover you purchase. You can choose from various levels of cover for different costs, such as labour rates, breakdown assistance, and failure of MoT and emissions tests. You can also choose to pay for extra cover if you'd like to protect the costs of parts and labour. They will pay for the work you do on your car, as long as it's a part of the original vehicle.
One of the benefits is that it covers all types of cars, regardless of make or model. Warrantywise includes the recommended parts that need replacement in pairs, such as brake discs and drums. It also covers tyres and coil road springs. However, the warranty does not cover parts that are not included in the plans' headings.