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Updated Sun 16 February 2025 Discount Codes

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Old Deals at

Summer Sale Now On

Hurry and grab your permanent flower arrangements at Bloom UK! The summer sale they are currently holding gives you the chance to save as much as 70% on beautiful silk flowers! Hurry, shop now!

Ended: 2014-08-31

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Perpetual Rose Arrangement just £59.00

A gorgeous arrangement of roses in different colours and sizes to give the room you have chosen an almost nostalgic look and feel. At this price it is a steal! Order now!

Ended: 2018-12-31

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Exotic Orchid Trio now only £10.00

This trio of one vanda and two cymbidiums makes for an excellent centerpiece, or a great pack for decorating different rooms. Nothing beats the beauty of orchids, order now!

Ended: 2018-12-31

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Codes for other stores..

Offer Terms | Shared September 22, 2016 | Expires December 31, 2039

Offer Terms | Shared November 1, 2023 | Expires May 31, 2025

Offer Terms | Shared August 24, 2018 | Expires May 4, 2038

Offer Terms | Shared May 23, 2018 | Expires December 30, 2039
Offer Terms | Shared January 24, 2018 | Expires May 31, 2025

Store's Description

Flowers are a thing of beauty – they are colourful, vibrant, aromatic and much more. But they do have one significant downside – after a few days have passed, they wither and lose all of their attractive qualities. Bloom UK is here to help you find an alternate and long-lasting solution. A permanent solution, actually. Silk flowers. Their team of designers studies all types of real flowers and recreates them in the finest silk – they look so lifelike that even some bees find them enticing. Forget about watering and tending, forget about anything other than admiring the beauty of your flowers! At you can buy bouquets, arrangements, single stem flowers, potted plants and much more, all exquisitely made, all at super low prices. Whether you are buying for your own home or for a friend’s special occasion, you can be sure that this is where you will find the perfect products.