Updated Fri 17 January 2025
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Expired coupons for Pontins
Old Deals at Pontins
Celebrate and welcome the New Year with a bang at Pontins Prestatyn Sands Holiday Park 3 nights offer from December 30, 2012 to January 02, 2013 for just £199.
Ended: 2013-01-02
For just £159 per person, you can have a memorable 3 nights New Year vacation with your loved ones at Pakefield Holiday Park from December 30, 2012 to January 02, 2013.
Ended: 2013-01-02
Enjoy a 5% discount on your festive break reservations when you book a minimum of 3 nights vacation online.
Ended: 2013-02-02
For just £99 per person, you can have a luxurious and unforgettable 3 nights Christmas celebration at Pakefield Holiday Park from December 27-30,2012.
Ended: 2012-12-30
Have a memorable 4 nights Christmas vacation at Pakefield Holiday Park from December 23-27, 2012 for only £220 per person.
Ended: 2012-12-27
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Store's Description
While some of the holiday resorts offered by Pontins include kitchen facilities for self-catering, others don't. The Pakefield Holiday Village Apartments, for instance, have a tiny kitchenette with a sink. The few apartments that do have a fully fitted kitchen are rare. Alternatively, there are a variety of food outlets located on the parks, including fast food joints and restaurants. There is also a Nisa Local store located on each park.
If you're looking for family fun near the sea, Pontins has plenty to offer. The Swimming Zone boasts water slides and an inflatable assault course. You'll also find many activities and entertainment for the whole family, including a water walkerz. Located close to award-winning beaches, the parks offer plenty of outdoor entertainment, too. In addition, a nightly party is sure to keep the family entertained.
If you're traveling with children, Pontins Southport Holiday Park offers spacious family accommodation. The holiday park includes a swimming pool and a lounge area with comfortable sofas. It also offers free parking and is a short drive from Southport, which offers plenty of attractions. It's also a good location for families and children, with a decent selection of shops and restaurants nearby. However, you'll need to book ahead to avoid disappointment.