Updated Fri 17 January 2025
PrinterInks Discount Codes
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Expired coupons for PrinterInks
Old Deals at PrinterInks
PRINTERINKS gives a chance for you to win a year's supply of ink for your printer (worth £100).
Ended: 2012-12-31
Order 2 of the same Epson, Canon or Brother compatible cartridges and get 1 free.
Ended: 2013-01-01
Originally priced at £137.62, buy this pack of 10 cartridges today and benefit from an amazing £48.17 saving. Includes 5 x BC-60 Black cartridges and 5 x BC-61 Tri-Colour cartridges.
Ended: 2013-02-02
With ink already discounted by 35%, if you buy two Canon BC-61 Tri-Colour Compatible Cartridges you will get a third one totally free.
Ended: 2013-02-02
With every orders over £30 you will get free entry into this great new competition to win a Playstation games console
Ended: 2013-05-31