Updated Sat 18 January 2025
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Old Deals at TheLogoCompany.net
Their logo designs have award winning features you wouldn't want to miss! Their design logo package features unlimited revisions; 5 designers minimum; 5 initial concepts minimum; 3-day turnaround time; multiple file formats supplied; money back guarantee; lifetime support; original and unique concepts; hardworking project manager; and design files indefinitely archived.
Ended: 2018-12-31
A logo and stationary design package that is affordable! The package features ready-to-print business card design; maximum of 5 contact details to include; ready-to-print letterhead design; ready-to-print #10 envelope design; bespoke design; 3 initial layouts minimum; high resolution files; professional printing; affordable printing service; and a money back guarantee!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Make the most of their combined design, logo, and card package! Their card package includes all features in logo design and stationary aspects; 500 business cards per individual; 16pt premium stock; gloss or matte finish option; unlimited revisions; reverse side printing; 3 initial stationary layouts; USA/Canada delivery; affordable re-prints; and money back guarantee.
Ended: 2018-12-31
A letterhead printing done for your convenience! They will remake a printed version of your letterhead design so it can be utilized directly into Micrsoft Word in the form of a template. The design is also print-ready.
Ended: 2018-12-31