Updated Tue 21 January 2025
Balloon Modeller Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Balloon Modeller
Show some love with this colorful 6 inch Heart Carnival Assortment balloon bags with colors including Standard Dark Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Orange, and Fashion Lime Green.
Ended: 2013-02-02
Learn and have fun on making balloons by yourself. Get this beginner's set balloon supplies with great bundles to enjoy.
Ended: 2013-02-02
Take a look at this 67 Easy-to-make Balloon New Sculptures Book with 938 pictures and impress your friends with a new skill.
Ended: 2013-02-02
Add some fun and colorful meaning on your child's special day with 160Q Traditional Assortment balloons in strong color having 100 pcs. of bags.
Ended: 2013-02-02
This basic set is all you need to get started. Includes one bag of balloons, an economy pump, and a sharpie pen for drawing on features.
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
A balloon Modeller is an individual who creates figures, items, or animals out of balloons. This individual can come to your home or office and create a fun and creative display for your child. Children love watching their imagination come to life with these models. The Modellers also provide background music and sing-along stories to keep them engaged. Their shows last approximately an hour. A few of the many benefits of hiring a balloon Modeller are listed below.
A balloon model can perform between 60 and 90 minutes. They can be flexible and adjust their performance times to fit your party. Balloon models dont require a lot of space. You will need a table and wall space to hang pre-made balloon art. In addition to their performance, you will need room to set up a small table for the model to work on. They can be hired for any size event, from birthday parties to weddings.
JoJo the Balloon Modeler is a popular entertainment choice for children and adults alike. This colourful balloon artist mingles with children and creates bespoke balloon models. Whether you want a clown, fairy, Superhero, or animal model, there are balloon models for every occasion. The balloon modellers are very talented and can help make any party a success. You can book them on their own or book them in conjunction with a magic show or Punch and Judy show.