Updated Thu 23 January 2025
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Old Deals at Simply Scuba
Nova Light 230 from Scubapro is a super powerful LED light with an output of 250 lumens and a burn time of 18 to 20 hours. Simply scuba price £67.50.
Ended: 2012-07-30
The Compact Torch from Intova uses a LED concentrated beam to provide great illumination. Non-rechargeable torch has been constructed from anodized aluminium to ensure it is lightweight and rugged. Simply Scuba price £37.00.
Ended: 2012-07-30
Simply scuba offers 10% off Reef Jewelry Sharks Tooth on Picasso Jasper. Picasso Jasper is a natural mineral
Ended: 2012-07-30
Save 30% off Simply Scuba Padded Mask Bag. Padded mask bag ideal for protecting your mask in your dive bag.
Ended: 2012-07-30
A whole lot more kicking power with a whole lot less effort and drag: check out a Humpback, its twin jet tail can lift a mega-ton! As a result, our Twin Jet fin is by now the fastest fin ever tested.
Ended: 2012-07-31
The Hollis F1 are a true balance between ease of use, power and toughness. Made from a high grade, heavy duty rubber material they are built to last. Lengthy testing as resulted in a well thought out design including angled strap mounts to provide improved comfort and increased power, vented blades to reduce stress, multiple strap mounting positions for better fit, a generous foot pocket and spring straps with easy grab heel tabs.
Ended: 2012-07-31
The 500 psi is designed to aid removal of the manufacturing residual that is left on masks and lenses once they leave the production line. Mask scrub gently removes the residual left behind and prepares the lens for its first treatment of anti fog solution.
Ended: 2012-08-31
Suunto D6i Dive Computer with Elastomer Strap and USB is a full decompression dive computer which is nitrox compatible,is fitted with a black elastomer strap and is also supplied with the PC/Mac interface cable to download previous dive information and profiles.
Ended: 2012-08-31
The Oceanic Shadow package has everything you need for snorkelling, the excellent frameless Shadow mask from Oceanic combined with the Ultradry snorkel for extra comfort along with Scubaclear to stop it fogging up.
Ended: 2012-09-30
The Small Camerea Case with Hard Lens from Aquapac is a waterproof case which fits small and mini digital cameras with a short zoom lens.
Ended: 2012-09-30
This 2nd Skin Shorty from Mares is a 1.5mm thick wetsuit with an integrated hood. It is made totally from metalite which is a low thermal conductivity liner applied to neoprene. This means that heat dispersion is reduced to the outside keeping you warmer for longer.
Ended: 2012-09-30
The Pioneer 5mm Package from Oceanic includes the mens Pioneer 5mm wetsuit, Pioneer 5mm shorty and Pioneer hood which can be worn together for cold waters or alone for watersports and scuba diving in warmer waters.
Ended: 2012-09-30
The Oceanic Alpha 8 SP5 regulator is is ideal for a travelling diver who needs a simple, reliable, light and value for money regulator for using in warmer climates.
Ended: 2012-09-30
The X-Tek Pro System: Extreme from Scubapro is the same as the X-Tek Pro System Twin but has an extra 13kg lift capacity totalling 40kg.
Ended: 2012-09-30
The Apeks DST first stage is a fully balanced diaphragm design with environmental seal to improved cold water protection. The standard four low pressure and been upgraded with the fifth port upgrade to allow for optimal hose routing of the inflator hoses to either drysuit and/or buoyancy device.
Ended: 2012-09-30
The TUSA Voyager Package is a lightweight and compact solution, ideal for warm water divers or the constant traveller.
Ended: 2012-09-30
Perfect for divers who prefer a small intense light with a pistol style grip. Features nonbreakable push locking switch and can stay up tp 60 hours total lamp life.
Ended: 2012-10-31
A great scuba torch as it can be taken to a depth of up to 120 metres with burn time of 18 to 20 hours.
Ended: 2012-10-31
The Cressi Occhio Plus Mask was originally designed for free diving as its ultra low profile and internal volume make it ideal but these charateristics are also heavily sought after for scuba diving.
Ended: 2012-10-31