Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Parcel Hero Discount Codes
Never miss another great deal from your favorite store! Get access to the latest promo codes, top deals and special offers for parcelhero.com. Always be in the know about the best offers as we list up-to-date deals from parcelhero.com daily. Simply click on the button to reveal the promo code and you'll be directed to a new window. Continue shopping, and when you have chosen the products you wish to purchase, checkout, and don't forget to enter the promo code to enjoy your savings!
Expired coupons for Parcel Hero
Old Deals at Parcel Hero
While ParcelHero does offer an amazing and very reliable service, accidents sometimes do happen. But do not worry! Every package you send has an included £50 cover in the price. So go ahead, send your parcels today!
Ended: 2018-12-31
ParcelHero is very fond of July and wants to celebrate that with you! Enjoy 10% off all of the shipment orders you place throughout the entire month! Hurry and send today!
Ended: 2014-07-31
You have to send something locally? ParcelHero will offer you the absolute best rates no matter how big or small your parcel is. Send it now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Codes for other stores..
Store's Description
ParcelHero is one of the most affordable post services in the UK. Their shipping prices are low, and they offer both national and international delivery. Unlike other services, you can also track your parcel with them. One complaint option is a written review, and the company promises to respond within 14 days. However, this response time varies. While the company claims to address complaints quickly, you'll want to double-check all information and contact details before submitting a complaint.
If you're not satisfied with the service provided by ParcelHero, you can contact the Ombudsman. They're a great resource for retail complaints and legal ones. Customers can contact the Ombudsman within 14 days of the delivery date. It's important to note that ParcelHero offers multiple services, and it's important to consider the options before making a decision. You'll find that a variety of options are available, including timed and next-day delivery.