Updated Fri 17 January 2025
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Old Deals at UK Tights
Oroblu Couture range is only sold in the UK from UK Tights. Do not miss the chance to avail 25% savings on gorgeous Couture range.
Ended: 2012-07-30
Sign up to our mailing list and get a free pair of Pretty Polly Tights with your first order over £15.
Ended: 2013-01-01
Less than 6 days before the Olympics begin and UK Tights offers £2.00 off each pair you buy.
Ended: 2012-07-31
Buy one then you get the second identical product at half price. These products are excellent for helping your feet stay fresh and virtually odour free!
Ended: 2012-08-31
Buy One Get One Half Price on Charnos Run Resist Range from UK Tights.
Ended: 2012-10-30
There's the spots of a cheetah, the ringlets of a leopard and the dark coffee-black blotches of an ocelot. Kunert have picked and curated the world's most iconic wild cats for inclusion in this gorgeous pair of fashion tights, a king amongst their designs. Maybe that's where their name comes from; the lion, king of the jungle.
Ended: 2012-10-31
It bends the rules of what is possible in fashion. The tartan is rendered in a kind of snowy grey, "cold grey" as Kunert have named it, and it's been stripped down to contain only the most essential lines and stripes to call it tartan.
Ended: 2012-10-31
9 denier sheer tights that is comfortable and easy to wear. Made from 52% Polyamide,44% Elastane and 4% Cotton. Now on sale for 20% off!
Ended: 2013-12-31
Luxurious backseamed tights with silver embellishments to compliment your legs. Made from high quality materials. Now on sale for only $38.67!
Ended: 2013-12-31