Updated Thu 23 January 2025
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Expired coupons for Ossur Webshop
Old Deals at Ossur Webshop
For any sort of mild sprains and injuries to the ligaments, this support instantly relieves the pain and increases your mobility. Order it now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
If you suffer from regular back pain, or would like some help in improving your posture, this back support is the perfect choice for you. Order it now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
The late stages of pregnancy are always associated with pain in the lower back. This belt supports the bump and significantly decreases the pain. Order now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
This amazing wrist support is the perfect choice in case of soft tissue injuries, a strain, repetitive strain pain, carpal tunnel, arthritis and more! Order it now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
If you are searching for a non-invasive orthopaedic solution, you've probably come across Ossur Webshop. Founded in 1971 by leading prosthetist Ossur Kristinsson, the company has more than 40 years of experience in every product it makes. Ossur focuses on improving patient mobility, and its products are used by both the military and the NHS. They offer a range of solutions for people of all ages and physical capabilities. Famous people have benefited from their products, including Richard Whitehead, Jonnie Peacock, and Jody Cundy.
The company is renowned for its innovative solutions. For example, the CTi knee brace is made from carbon fibre and is used by professional athletes in extreme sports. This store is the only retail outlet for the company's products. These braces provide non-invasive solutions for orthopedic problems. There are a number of products on offer, including ankle supports, knee supports, elbow supports, and more.
Other products sold by them include braces, neck braces, arm slings, walker boots, and immobilisers. The company also provides customer service and answers any questions or complaints you may have. You can also buy a custom-made orthotic brace that is made to fit your body. And if you need a support belt for your pregnancy, you can find it here.