Updated Fri 13 December 2024
Mister Maker Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Mister Maker
A box filled with a fun and exciting project and all the materials needed for it! Every two weeks, only at this price. Subscribe now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
The Mister Maker Club box gets delivered straight to your door for just 98p! Hurry and subscribe now - your child will love it!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Your child could get their very own Mister Maker Club box, with their name and age written on it! Hurry, subscribe today!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Well you can't be finishing all those projects without having some way of bragging about it! Every Mister Maker Club box contains a collectible sticker for little collectors! Subscribe now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Codes for other stores..
Store's Description
In order to save money on shopping online, you should look for promo codes, coupons, and discount vouchers for Mister Maker Club. These deals are usually available for a limited time, so you must take action now. You can find these offers online or in print and save up to 75% on your purchases. You can also check the website for more discounts. Listed below are the latest deals and promo codes for Mister Maker Club.
Sign up for a subscription service today and get a monthly or bi-weekly box of exciting craft activities. Craft boxes fit through letterboxes and contain all the materials you need for one fun Mister Maker activity. Each box also contains stickers to collect for prizes and a colourful certificate or badge for completion. You can subscribe to a monthly or bi-weekly box, and you'll receive fun art and craft activities delivered straight to your door.
The site features fun games, crafts, and lessons about recycling and repurposing items. Kids will love this show, which features a British craftsman named Mister Maker. It is also a great way to introduce preschool concepts and reinforce skills. Mister Maker also promotes creative reuse. While some details may be foreign to American viewers, the overall message is positive and educational. Whether you're a newbie to art or a seasoned pro, Mister Maker will surely make your day.