Updated Sat 18 January 2025
The Open Shop Discount Codes
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Old Deals at The Open Shop
Wherever you want your golfing equipment, fashion and souvenirs to be sent in the world, you can get it delivered for free for a limited time. Perfect for gifts to loved ones abroad.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Look sharp on the golf course with this navy blue polo shirt featuring short sleeves, a white small logo and three buttons from the collar. Made from 60% cotton and 40% polyester.
Ended: 2018-12-31
This fantastic beanie will keep you warm on chilly days. Also available in navy, red and white or black, silver and white. Features a top pom pom and available in one size only.
Ended: 2018-12-31
This ball marker makes a great gift for those who are keen golfers. A great souvenir as it features the 144th St Andrews Logo in the centre.
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
The Open is one of the four major professional golf tournaments. Founded in 1895, it is one of the four oldest tournaments in the world. In 2013, NTT DATA was named Official Patron of The Open. The IT provider of The Open, NTT DATA provides pioneering solutions to fans and tournament officials to ensure they enjoy the competition. The Open app is a helpful tool for fans to track the tournament. Fans can track live scores, leaderboards, featured groups, and course guides. You can also listen to The Open radio on their official app.
The Open is a family friendly event and children can visit the Spectator Village for free. The Spectator Village has giant television screens, a kids' play area, and free 15 minute lessons from a PGA professional. You can also find electronic leader boards, video screens, and food outlets. A PGA professional is on hand to help if you have any medical concerns. The Open also promotes healthy food and beverage options, so there are many places for you to enjoy a meal or drink.
The Open app displays local time alongside tee times in BST. This is determined by your device's settings. If you live outside of British Summertime, you may want to check your phone's time zone first before using the app. You can change this in the Settings App. If you are a UK user, you won't see any extra timezone. If you're a US user, however, make sure you are using the correct time zone when setting up your device.