Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Chickidee Homeware Discount Codes
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Store's Description
Chickidee.co.uk is a leading website for homeware products. Founded in 2007, this company focuses on home interiors and party supplies. With a focus on trends and designs, Chickidee offers many products that are perfect for any occasion. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or looking for a gift for a friend, you'll find just what you need at Chickidee.co.uk.
The Chickidee team wanted a website that would be adaptable to changes in homeware trends and seasonality. Shopify is an excellent homeware store platform, and our team recommended it to them. We built the homepage and product and collection pages and went live with full development of the homepage. Chickidee is very happy with the results, and the new website has seen a steady increase in revenue in just six months.
Chickidee offers new products every month, and delivery is free on orders in the UK. Candlelight products is another leading wholesale gift provider, offering a variety of home decor and artificial flowers, lighting, kitchenware, and much more. Wholesale scarves and jewellery from lisa angel are also available at chickidee.co.uk. The website also offers trend-led homeware from popular brands including Lisa Angel.