Updated Sun 16 February 2025
FacePlant Sunglasses Discount Codes
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Current Discount Codes for FacePlant Sunglasses
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Store's Description
Wefaceplant.life is a Chinese social networking site that allows users to meet new people and exchange social information. If you are not familiar with the website, you may be wondering what it is and how it works. We have compiled a brief overview for you so that you can make an informed decision. We faceplants are people who have a lot in common and wish to share that experience. In this article, we discuss the website's origins, features, and benefits.
FacePlant was founded by Jon and Rou with a simple goal: to create the world's most sustainable sunglasses brand. The sunglasses industry is notorious for its use of virgin plastic and questionable business ethics. The FacePlant founders didn't want to cut any corners. They wanted to make the best sunglasses possible without compromising their quality or integrity. It's no surprise then that FacePlant started out as an idea for a socially conscious brand.