Updated Fri 17 January 2025
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Old Deals at BidGrid
The Mario Kart 7 game for the Nintendo 3DS. It gives fantastic racing on air, land, and sea; additional features; customizable options; and racing with Mushroom Kingdom characters.
Ended: 2013-07-18
The KitVision digital photo frame. It has a 7-inch length; picture slideshow; fixed imaging; music capable; supports memory card, USB, or flash drive; anytime viewing; self-sufficient; main socket powered; lightweight; and portable.
Ended: 2013-07-17
A cast iron BBQ. It has chrome based cooking grates; enamelled fire bowls; weatherproof wheels; caters to any cooking any food; can be used with lump wood charcoal; and with assembling instructions.
Ended: 2013-07-17
A Sekonda women's watch from the Crystalla range. It has a quartz make; rounded mother of pearl dial; adjusting back cord; and a white crystal bead bracelet.
Ended: 2013-07-19