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Old Deals at Lonely Planet
With our 6th edition you'll discover atmospheric castles on green hilltops, marvel at centuries of architectural majesty in Prague, ski down pristine slopes in the Tatras and relax with a glass of crisp, golden beer in historic Plzen.
Ended: 2012-07-31

Coverage Includes: Planning chapters, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh, Understand & Survival Guide chapters.
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Ended: 2013-12-31

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This book gives more than 70 of the greatest travels that one can take from ancient ruins to modern landscapes! Now at just $39.99!
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This guide will help you explore through the exotic and tropical areas in Southeast Asia! Now priced at $26.99!
Ended: 2015-12-31

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This guide edition gives the latest about China including its history and places! Now at just $31.99!
Ended: 2015-12-31

This book gives you a summary of the best places around the world for his year! If you're curious to know more, get this book for a price of $14.99!
Ended: 2015-12-31

This eBook gives you of the places and history of Cambodia! Buy this for only $16.79!
Ended: 2015-12-31

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Store's Description
Lonely Planet is one of the most trusted names in travel publications. The company has over 500 titles in 17 languages. Founded by Tony Wheeler, Lonely Planet has quickly expanded its digital presence. Today, the company boasts over 10 million visitors per month on its website. The site has videos, news, insider tips, and inspiring ideas for budding travellers. Here are a few of the most popular things about Lonely Planet.
In 1994, Lonely Planet began creating online products. The company launched a website and blog, as well as a series of guidebooks for PalmPilots. In 1996, it launched an online traveller's community, known as Thorn Tree. Jane Rawson was the first moderator, and the forum has grown to 10 million users as of 2016.
Lonely Planet has been having some problems before its current management took over. Previously, the company was sold to the BBC, which didn't do much to improve it. Even its best feature, the Thorn Tree, was affected by poor management. Current management, however, is looking to turn Lonely Planet into a content-rich business. Until then, though, it's still an excellent choice for travel planning.
Lonely Planet offers a variety of travel advice, from basic travel advice to detailed travel guides. For more comprehensive information, Lonely Planet offers a phrasebook for each country. Although Lonely Planet doesn't allow its readers to plan trips, Lonely Planet does offer useful information about the culture and customs of that country. Its website and app are increasingly synched with mainstream travel websites. And while these newer platforms are gaining popularity, Lonely Planet continues to remain a useful resource for travellers.