Updated Tue 21 January 2025
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Expired coupons for Serif
Old Deals at Serif
The software is your ideal platform to help showcase your style and creativity. It has drawing tools, shapes you can arrange, and media brushes that allow you to craft logos, drawings, designs, and animations.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Editing photos has gotten easier with PhotoPlus X6. Now you can edit and give enhancement to your photos on the fly with their user friendly tools. Craft simple fixes in just minutes and achieve jaw dropping results with a bit of professional touch from the software.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Start making custom adjustments and enhancements with Topaz Clean! The software can effectively clean your portraits and skin without detail loss; lets you adjust the depth and intensity of images; gives you the option to remove unnecessary details; adds enhancements to edging and lines; lets you create over-sharpened and stylish effects; and is compatible with the PhotoPlus X5 program.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Put an end to hackers retrieving your passwords on your sensitive data with Zemana AntiLogger. It features added security when you conduct banking and other transactions online; protects data on your e-mails and instant messaging programs; provides protection from keystroke manipulation from spyware as well as screen images; and compatible for Windows XP, Vista, and 7 operating system.
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
The Serif site is a great resource for those who want to create and edit photography. It includes sample images, tutorials, and social media links. Users can register to receive overlay packs, which include effects like fog, snow, or rainbows. Users can also set the properties of an image to create an effect. However, Serif does not offer an automated tour of its software. If you are new to Serif, it is important to start here.
Serif is a software development company based in the United Kingdom. Its products are geared towards creating creative, professional-grade graphics. The Affinity series includes products such as Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer, and Affinity Publisher. The Affinity line is available at affordable non-subscription prices, making it a great option for people just getting started in the field of digital art. Serif also plans to expand its Affinity line to include iPad versions in 2016.
The style of the font itself is crucial to the overall design. A well-chosen serif font is the first step to creating a stunning piece of artwork. It is easy to pair two types of fonts with each other and make them look great. You can even create a unique design with two fonts in one. Serif fonts are more popular than sans-serif fonts. The two font types are similar in style and use.