Updated Fri 17 January 2025
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Expired coupons for Baker Ross
Old Deals at Baker Ross
Assorted sizes and designs with self-adhesive backing. Brightly coloured foam flower stickers to decorate crafts, collage and cards. 144 stickers per pack.
Ended: 2012-07-31
Great for tie-dye! Plain white cotton t-shirts to decorate and personalise with fabric paints, pens and tie-dye paints.
Ended: 2012-07-31
Get Football 'Fan'tastic' Tombola at Baker Ross for £59.00. Men, women, boys and girls will all want to be in with a chance of winning one of these patriotic English Bulldogs and Lions!
Ended: 2012-07-30
Can you guess where the ball is hidden? Mega Inflatable Soft Football that kids will love to play with. Only 200 squares to sell at 30p or more. Baker Ross Price was £9.99 - reduced to £6.99.
Ended: 2012-07-30
Make your own designer necklace with this complete kit. Each kit includes ready painted wooden beads and pink elastic. Age 5+.
Ended: 2012-01-31
Get stretchy spiders for just £1.99, stretchy pumpkin men for just £1.80, halloween colour in mobiles for just £2.80 and much more.
Ended: 2012-12-31
Halloween themed sticker book containing fun activities such as dot to dot, colouring, stickers, posters.
Ended: 2012-10-31
6 assorted mini boxes made of strong board that you can use for having fun decorating. Ideal for painting and collage £3.96 Per Pack of 12 or £11.16 Per Pack of 36.
Ended: 2012-07-31
Fantastic extra strong fibre tip broad line pens. Ideal for all artwork and suitable for large areas of colouring. Water-based, washable ink. 12 assorted colours. Choose from £2.99 Pack of 12 or £8.98 Tub of 48.
Ended: 2012-07-31
Highly entertaining balloons will surely be a craze at your event. White balloon printed with Union Jack on 2 sides. Inflates to 35cm with strong elastic attachment. Age 3+. SSP 75p each. Pack of 6 £2.99 or Pack of 50 £19.00 for big savings.
Ended: 2012-08-31
Each kit contains ready-made white card drum, coloured straw, ribbon and beads. Drum size 6cm diameter. Choose from Pack of 6 £4.98 or Pack of 18 £14.40.
Ended: 2012-08-31
London character desktop tidies will 'guard' your pencils! Each kit contains a strong board pen holder, pre-cut foam pieces and wiggle-eyes. Instructions included. Pack of 3 from £3.99 or Pack of 15 from £18.75.
Ended: 2012-08-31
Pre-printed card finger puppets in 8 fun sports designs. Colour in using our fibre pens or Deco pens. Size 10cm. Pack of 24 £2.99 or Pack of 72 £7.92.
Ended: 2012-11-30
Heart shaped borders with a shimmery shine! Add a touch of class to your cards and crafts with these super border stickers. 5 assorted colours. Length 29cm, cut to size. 15 borders per pack.
Ended: 2012-09-30
Each kit contains gusseted coloured paper bag with carry handles, pre-cut foam shapes, wiggle-eyes and decorations. 4 assorted designs. Size 14cm x 11cm.
Ended: 2012-09-30
Put your hands up in the air! Red, White & Blue foam hands to personalise and wear. Decorate with Deco pens, foam stickers, stick-ons etc. 3 assorted. Size 28cm.
Ended: 2012-10-31