Updated Sat 18 January 2025
Barcelo Hotels & Resorts Discount Codes
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Expired coupons for Barcelo Hotels & Resorts
Old Deals at Barcelo Hotels & Resorts
Wonderful landscapes, long sandy beaches, spectacular cliffs… always with their characteristic exotic touch. Discover all the beauty spots of the Canary Islands with Barceló Hotels & Resorts. Get lots of discounts.
Ended: 2013-01-01
Barceló has some new winter offers, plus their January sale, offering stays from just £29.50 per person, including breakfast, based on 2 adults sharing a standard room.
Ended: 2012-01-31
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Store's Description
The Barcelo Hotel Group has properties in Europe, North America, Africa, and Latin America. You can choose from a wide variety of hotels and resorts, from budget to luxury. The company has 236 hotels with 4 or 5 stars across 22 countries, so you are sure to find something that meets your needs. The company has a large selection of hotels and resorts for every taste and budget, and it's easy to see why the brand has so many loyal customers.
The Barcelo Group has a strong commitment to social responsibility and the environment. It subscribes to the Global Pact coordinated by the Culture Association of the United Nations and the Code of Conduct against sexual exploitation of children. In addition to these initiatives, the company has partnered with many non-profit organizations in the community. Its corporate social responsibility efforts include projects in education, health, and culture in underdeveloped countries. The company has been recognized as a leader in the tourism industry.
Barcelo is among the top 30 hospitality companies in the world, with more than 55,000 rooms in 58 countries. Founded in 1931, the company began as a transport company, and later as a hotel and travel group. Today, the company is still family-owned and is a global company renowned for service excellence. The company also has a global presence with over 685 travel agencies. There is no better place to book your next trip than a Barcelo.com review.