Updated Thu 23 January 2025
Zuma Office Supply (US) Discount Codes
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Store's Description
Zuma Office Supply is an online superstore which offers office, breakroom and janitorial products. It claims to specialize in low-cost office supplies. For all orders over $75, shipping is free. Freight items are not included. The website is easy to use and has a friendly customer service team. It ships items in two to three business days, but sometimes takes longer. It does not offer free returns or exchanges on products, but its prices are still competitive.
Zuma Office Supply is an ecommerce office supplies superstore offering more than 40,000 office supplies. Founded in December 2009, the company competes with OfficeMax, Staples, and Office Depot. It has corporate headquarters in Houston, Texas, and has an owner with over two decades of experience. Zuma Office Supply is committed to ethical business practices and donates half of its annual profits to charities. The company's founder aims to provide high-quality office supplies at low prices.
Customers love Zuma Office Supply's service. Its customer service is quick and personalized. They donate half of their profits to charity each year, and their website is easy to use. Zuma Office Supply also has a high rating on ReviewCenter.com. Customers have given Zuma Office Supply high ratings for their prices and service. They recommend Zuma Office Supply to their friends and family. Zuma Office Supply is worth checking out if you need office supplies for your business.
Zuma Office Supplies offers office furniture and essentials. Zuma Office Supply also sells computers, shredders, and other office supplies. The website also carries a wide variety of products, including name badges, storage boxes, and mailing boxes. You can easily find office supplies you need for your business with ZumaOfficeSupply. You can even save money by buying online! It's that simple!