Updated Sat 15 February 2025
Uniform Tax Rebate Discount Codes
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If you have a uniform policy, you can take advantage of this tax rebate. You can get a cash refund as long as you wash and care for your uniforms properly. The process of claiming this tax rebate is not automatic. You have to start the process yourself. You need to have proof of your eligibility, including details of your industry and employer. You must be willing to spend time filling out the paperwork, so you may want to use an online uniform tax rebate service to help you get your money back.
If you have been wearing a uniform for more than four years, you can use this tax rebate service to claim your money. You can claim back the uniform allowance for the past four years. This applies to basic rate taxpayers. If you have paid over £100 on your uniforms since April 2015, you can claim back up to £1,060. The deadline for claiming this tax refund is April 15, 2019 and April 2020.