Updated Sat 18 January 2025
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Store's Description
Angelcare has been around for 20 years, setting the bar for world-class baby items that give parents peace of mind and help their children thrive. Their company is rooted in the invention of an early breathing detection monitor and the desire to provide ultimate peace of mind to worried parents. The website has a definite educational element. The information provided is informative, but many of its products are not medically tested or recommended by doctors.
What makes the Angelcare Baby Movement Monitor unique is its ability to sense your baby's movements while they are asleep. This contact-free device is placed underneath a baby's mattress and detects movement entirely without touching them. Its three adjustable sensitivity levels let you customize the monitor's detection of movement. The monitor then sounds an alarm or preliminary beep after about 15 seconds. A second beep indicates a missed movement and lets you know what's up.