Updated Mon 10 February 2025
Two Point Five Discount Codes
Never miss another great deal from your favorite store! Get access to the latest promo codes, top deals and special offers for twopointfive.co.uk. Always be in the know about the best offers as we list up-to-date deals from twopointfive.co.uk daily. Simply click on the button to reveal the promo code and you'll be directed to a new window. Continue shopping, and when you have chosen the products you wish to purchase, checkout, and don't forget to enter the promo code to enjoy your savings!
Old Deals at Two Point Five
Enjoy huge savings on these family friendly policies from Two Point Five, as up to 9 children and grandchildren can be included on your policy for free.
Ended: 2018-12-31

Activities covered include skiing, golf, snowboarding, and many more. Specific cover is available for equipment, lift passes, physiotherapy in the UK and more.
Ended: 2018-12-31

When you need medical attention overseas, your policy will cover you up to the value of £10 million. Terms and conditions apply.
Ended: 2018-12-31

Whether you will be conducting your safari adventure in a vehicle or on foot, your policy will cover you if there is a problem.
Ended: 2018-12-31

Codes for other stores..
Store's Description
To use a Twopointfive promo code, you'll need to go to the checkout page. You can either log in as a guest or create a new account. Once you've reached the checkout page, copy and paste the code into the promo code box. Then your shopping cart will reload with the new total. Alternatively, you can use the Fudge Browser app, which will automatically add the best promo codes to your order at checkout.
You can use Twopointfive coupons to save even more money. If you're a first-time customer, you can save up to 5% with the promo code. Likewise, if you're a returning customer, you can get your money back in full as long as the product is in its original condition. Moreover, if you're not satisfied with the product, you can return it for a refund up to 30 days after you receive it.