Updated Sun 16 February 2025
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There are many definitions of what is an intolerance. If you're unsure of what an intolerance is, this online test may be the best solution. It will help you know if you're allergic to any foods or not. It will also help you determine what to avoid in your diet.
Although Test Your Intolerance provides blood, hair, and DNA testing, its reports are based on limited scientific research and are not entirely accurate. The results from a self-administered test are not available until the next day. Moreover, you cannot upload your genetic file from another testing company. Moreover, this test doesn't offer the United States' DNA-based health report, which is based on a study from the University of California, San Diego.
A simple test will identify which foods are causing your symptoms. An intolerance test will also identify which foods cause you to feel weighed down. If you're suffering from symptoms such as flatulence or diarrhoea, it's likely that your diet has something to do with it. The test will flag these foods so you can make informed choices about what to avoid. In some cases, the test results may be quite surprising.