Updated Sat 08 February 2025
Parrot Essentials Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Parrot Essentials
This funky looking burger is filled with fruits and grains making it a tasty treat for your pets. Contains a range of nutrients so it is also great for their health.
Ended: 2018-12-31

This fabulous looking cage features an open top for your bird to perch on and fly out of when you let them. Get free delivery to your door on this item.
Ended: 2018-12-31

Get your order delivered to your door when you spend more than £49. See website for terms and conditions, and any exclusions.
Ended: 2018-12-31

Reduced from £79.99, this lighting kit offers UVA lighting that can be seen by your bird and can help them with flight navigation, appetite, reproduction and homing instincts.
Ended: 2018-12-31