Updated Tue 21 January 2025
Macys Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Macys
Elegantly designed with cap sleeves, sweetheart neckline with a crisscross front and lined inside for that perfect silhouette. Made with polyester/spandex material that is completely machine washable. Buy this dress now for 20% less.
Ended: 2014-08-21
Holiday-themed robe made with the finest cotton material. Multi-coloured with holly motif with sparkling accents. Get £46.74 savings now.
Ended: 2013-08-25
Retro-inspired mid rise trousers made with polyester/cotton/spandex for ultimate comfort with zipper fly. Machine washable and available in different sizes. Get more than 30% discount now.
Ended: 2013-09-02
Light brown open-toe leather upper sandals with adjustable ankle. Very comfortable yet stylish. Now on sale for more than 30% off.
Ended: 2014-08-21
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Macys offers free shipping on orders over $50 excluding tax and gift wrap. This applies to Standard Shipping to a single location, Premium Shipping and Overnight Shipping. However, customers living outside of the contiguous U.S. may have to pay a surcharge of $10 for shipping. Free shipping does not apply to furniture, mattresses, rugs, or oversized items. Some items are excluded from free shipping and may incur a shipping surcharge.
Customers can also use the Star Money program to earn rewards when shopping at Macys. This program is especially beneficial to customers who use their Macys credit card. With this program, they can pay for their purchases however they choose and still earn 1% in rewards. Bronze members can also earn Star Points, which are used to get extra rewards. Gold and Platinum members can earn 2-5% back in rewards, plus enjoy exclusive benefits like free shipping. In addition, new cardholders can receive 20% off purchases for the first two days.
Macys is an iconic department store founded in 1858. Today, it is one of the countrys largest retailing brands, with more than 760 stores nationwide and an increasingly popular online store. With a wide selection of fashion, houseware, and gifts, Macys is a one-stop shopping destination. And the companys famous sales are worth checking out. For instance, Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals offer huge discounts. And during the holidays, Macys also offers a Christmas Gift Guide.