Updated Thu 23 January 2025
Teacrate Packaging Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Teacrate Packaging
For ensuring the protection of your flat screen monitor, you can get this Quilted Flat Screen Monitor Cover for only £60.
Ended: 2012-09-30
If you want to move your bedroom goods without any hassle, then you can choose this 1 Bedroom Deluxe Moving Pack, which is available here for only £29.99
Ended: 2012-09-30
This Mirror/Picture Carton will protect your vulnerable goods while shifting. You can get it here for only £2.50.
Ended: 2012-09-30
You can choose this Large Moving Box made with cardboard for packaging goods in a better way. You can get it here for only £2.75, and also save up to 30% if you buy 30 boxes of this type.
Ended: 2012-09-30
Get a Handy Moving Box which is really helpful for packaging purpose. You can get it here for only £1.49.
Ended: 2012-09-30
Codes for other stores..
Store's Description
As part of PHS Teacrate, we are associated with one of the UK’s leading suppliers to the Removals and Storage Industries.
The online website, www.teacratepackaging.co.uk, is where customers can find any packaging that they require. The website is easy to use, enbling you to navigate around it without problem. Goods can be delivered to your home the next working day for those who want to get packed and go in a hurry.