Updated Fri 17 January 2025
ICarhireinsurance Discount Codes
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Old Deals at iCarhireinsurance
iCarhireinsurance - Daily cover from as little as £2.99, & great value annual policies from £39.99!
Ended: 2015-08-01
A car hire insurance that covers up to 9 drivers in the rental agreement, £3,000 excess cover and covers damages in all over Europe. Price inclusive of Insurance Premium Tax.
Ended: 2015-08-01
A must have cover for car club members with loads of features for your peace of mind. For UK and Europe territory only.
Ended: 2015-08-01
Multi trip policy with that can be used worldwide. Loaded with features for your peace of mind while travelling!
Ended: 2015-08-01
Submit your claims online, making the whole process much easier to manage and follow.
Ended: 2018-12-31
No need to wait around for your claim payment, as you will get your claims paid within 14 days on average.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Get cover from icarhireinsurance.com and enjoy zero excess with up to £6000 excess protection.
Ended: 2018-12-31
If the market value of your vehicle is anything up to £100,000, you are sure to find cover to suit at icarhireinsurance.com.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Codes for other stores..
Store's Description
iCarhireinsurance.com provides full CDW and LDW cover for rental cars. You can save money on excess fees by purchasing a policy before you travel. The site accepts all car hire locations worldwide. You can also purchase your CDW in advance of traveling. It is not a requirement, but if you are traveling abroad, it is highly recommended. Here are some advantages of iCarhireinsurance.com:
It is not always possible to obtain car insurance from the rental company, but iCarHireInsurance can provide you with excess insurance. This insurance covers damages incurred during a rental car. It also covers other costs such as fuel damage and lost keys. You can get cashback from iCarhireinsurance through Quidco. The excess insurance policy is valid for one year. It is essential to check your policy terms and conditions and make sure that you have enough insurance to cover the damage.
iCarHireInsurance is less expensive than car rental insurance. It allows you to take unlimited trips throughout the year, for up to 65 days. You can also save money on rental cars, since iCarHireInsurance covers you and your rental car. The companys customer support service is available 24/7. It is a great way to protect yourself from unexpected costs. If youre planning on traveling abroad, iCarHireInsurance can be your best bet.