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Updated Sun 16 February 2025 Discount Codes

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Old Deals at

Choose From Our Latest Used Abarth Cars Available Today!

We have different models of used Abarth car available today. Check out our detailed info of each car. All these used cars are in good condition and passed with our car check inspection.

Ended: 2013-02-02

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For the Amount of £19.99 Your Ads Will be Featured on 10 Premium Online Car Classifieds!

This exclusive package will advertise your car in major classified ads for 4 weeks. No additional fees, no hidden charges. You can personalized your ads and add at least 6 photos. Start posting ads now and reach millions of car buyers locally.

Ended: 2013-02-02

Visit Retailer

4 weeks of Advertising with no Hidden Charges

Your ads will not be removed on DesperateSeller for about 4 weeks guaranteed! Add at least 6 photos with no additional fees.

Ended: 2013-02-02

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Place Your Adverts and Get an Exclusive Package!

Placing your ads will not be as hard as other classified ads. You can easily amend and remove your ads at any time. You can easily save time and money.

Ended: 2013-02-02

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Get Millions of Buyers Across the UK by Placing Your Ads Today!

At DesperateSeller you can place your ads and reach over 5 million car buyers locally. Your ads will be featured on 10 premium online car classifieds! With no hidden charges. By placing your adverts you can expect a 75% of customers' sales within a week.

Ended: 2013-02-02

Visit Retailer

Codes for other stores..

Offer Terms | Shared May 2, 2018 | Expires January 3, 2039

Offer Terms | Shared August 8, 2017 | Expires December 7, 2039

Offer Terms | Shared December 31, 2017 | Expires December 13, 2036

Offer Terms | Shared March 28, 2015 | Expires December 7, 2039
Offer Terms | Shared September 14, 2023 | Expires December 31, 2025

Store's Description

Desperate Seller is the ultimate network for buying and selling used cars, recommended by none other than Top Gear! The business of used cars covers a much larger portion of the market than the one for new ones. After all, in these uncertain economical times, not many people wish to invest large sums into something that lowers its sale price so rapidly. If you want to get a great car in premium condition without breaking the bank, this is your chance. And if you have been struggling to sell your car for a long time now, you can be sure that Desperate Seller will deal with that problem for you in no time. Choosing to place an ad with Desperate Seller means that it will show on 10 premium websites where someone will definitely like what you are offering. It also means that you will be reaching more than 5 million potential buyers – one of them is surely yours.