Updated Thu 23 January 2025
Dusit International Discount Codes
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Store's Description
Dusit was founded in 1948 by Thanpuying Chanut Piyaoui. Today, it is a global leader in hospitality management. It operates under four different brands: Dusit Thani, Dusit Princess, and Dusit Devarana. It has more than 50 properties around the world. The company is constantly expanding and adding new brands.
The company operates several hotels and resorts both in Thailand and internationally. Its segments include hotel operations under the Dusit Thani brand, spa operations under the Namm Spa, and healthy food restaurants. The company invests substantial resources in security. What makes Dusit a safe and secure online destination? Dusit employs high-standard security measures to protect your information. Its website is protected by firewalls, anti-virus programs, and other security features.
Dusit Hotels and Resorts stores your personal information in its property management systems. In addition to storing your personal information, these properties collect information about how you use their amenities and services. This helps them provide you with superior service. Information such as your name, contact details, and credit card number are stored for this purpose. You can also choose to specify your preferences and special requests when you book your rooms on Dusit.com.
As the leading hotel and property developer in Thailand, Dusit International has appointed Nichlas Maratos as its new Vice President of Commercial Operations. He has extensive experience in global hospitality and has served in senior leadership positions in renowned global companies. He will lead Dusit's efforts in aligning global commercial strategies to achieve optimal performance in all of its Dusit Hotels and Resorts globally. These new positions are critical to the company's growth and success.