Updated Fri 17 January 2025
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Expired coupons for Direct Stoves
Old Deals at Direct Stoves
Orders can be delivered to your doorstep for free with the 1 Man Delivery choice.
Ended: 2018-12-31
This does not need any fuel to burn and is made of cast iron so you can expect that it is really durable.
Ended: 2018-12-31
You get to save 25% off of this pipe. It is made of stainless steel covered with black vitreous enamel. It can be used in the chimney or stove.
Ended: 2018-12-31
This is currently at a 10% discount and it comes with a built in back boiler. It also features an external riddling grate and secondary combustion.
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
To learn more about the different types of stoves available at Direct Stoves, you can check out the buying guides. These guides will tell you which type of stove is suitable for your needs, as well as your budget and personal style. They also give you tips on how to save money on your dream stove. If you have a hard time deciding, the website offers free buying guides. Simply click the subscribe button to begin.
Direct Stoves is an online retailer specializing in stoves for both heating and outdoor cooking. They offer free delivery to mainland UK addresses, as well as finance options for buyers who can't afford to buy outright. Their range of products includes both a gas and wood burning stove. You can also check out the different brands of stoves. If you don't find one that suits your needs, you can always visit a store in your area to compare prices and reviews.
A wood burning stove is carbon neutral and can be a perfect choice for homes that are environmentally conscious. Direct Stoves stock an extensive range of wood and multi-fuel stoves from leading brands. And you can even find multi-fuel stoves, so you can burn a mix of wood and coal and still be carbon neutral. And as a bonus, the website also offers finance plans. So you can pay over time and enjoy the benefits of your new stove without the worry of paying for a lump sum upfront.