Updated Sat 15 February 2025
C Scope Metal Detectors Discount Codes
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Old Deals at C Scope Metal Detectors
This head cover ensures your equipment is constantly protected from soil, undergrowth, and sand. Single piece.
Ended: 2018-12-31

This entry level detector is ideal for any child to use. It features a lightweight body, easy operation, and power switch.
Ended: 2018-12-31

These headphones work exceptional well for metal detectors in detecting weak signals. It features a carry case, coiled lead, padded earpieces, volume controls, phase switch, and stereo jack plug.
Ended: 2018-12-31

Codes for other stores..
Store's Description
Contact Information
C.Scope was established 40yrs ago in the UK. They produce and design C.Scope metal detectors, a leading product in the UK. All their products are designed and produced in the UK. They offer after sale services for their products and they have an unrivalled customer service.
C.Scope business premise is located at: Kingsnorth Technology Park, Wotton Road, Ashford TN23 6LN. To get in touch with them fill an online form in their contact page or call +44 (0)1233 629 181 or send an email to: info@cscope.co.uk.
C.Scope is Europe’s favourite metal detector manufacturer. Their social media pages are: Twitter - https://twitter.com/cscopedetectors, Facebook - https://web.facebook.com/CSCOPEMETALDETECTORS?_rdc=1&_rdr, YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/motionnonmotion and Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cscope_metal_detectors/.
Their metal detectors have been divided into 5 categories: new to detecting, professional, beach detecting, non-motion detectors, motion detectors and metal cover locators. Under the new to detecting category, there are metal detectors like Bill Wyman, which is lightweight and easy to use, making it ideal for adventurous kids. The C.Scope CS2MX is a high-performance detector which is highly automated and can be used for quick metal detecting. For professional metal detector, there is the have C.Scope CS6MXi. It’s equipped with the latest microprocessor to sift through, filter, and then analyze the target signals, with a lightning recovery time, maximizing performance and saving valuable time.
The also sell accessories like battery chargers, wireless headphones, sand scoops, and foot assisted shovels among others.
All C.Scope metal detectors come with a parts and labour warranty for two-year and three extra years parts warranty.
Returns & Shipping
Goods can be returned within 14 days after receipt at the customer’s cost. The goods must be in the condition of receipt and unused in their original packaging for a full refund.
Shipping cost are calculated during the order process for goods under £100. Orders above £100 will be delivered free for UK mainland customers only.