Updated Thu 23 January 2025
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Expired coupons for Crew Clothing
Old Deals at Crew Clothing
Keep yourself warm with the Adele Knit. This knit is made of chunky material that makes you feel nautical. It is made of 58% wool and 42% Acrylic. This features a crew neck with long sleeves in navy and white colours.
Ended: 2014-08-01
The Rosalie dress is now on sale for only £45. This dress features ¾ sleeves and an embellished neckline to make the dress look more sparkly. It has a zip closure at the back and you should hand wash this or dry clean. It is available in Navy and only sizes 8, 10 and 12 are on stock.
Ended: 2014-08-01
The Moleskin Blazer is available for only £125 and it is made of moleskin fabric. The use of this blazer will make you feel and look more luxurious. You can wear it with smart trousers to have that laid back but formal look. Internal pockets are also found on this blazer.
Ended: 2014-08-01
Get coats with 20% off until 21st November 2014 only. No code necessary.
Ended: 2014-11-21