Updated Sat 18 January 2025
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Expired coupons for Lombok
Old Deals at Lombok
The Earthborn Paint in Donkey Ride is now at a special price of only £23.00. This is a lovely colour that can be used to paint your furniture or home. It is made of natural clay and other ingredients that are earth friendly and it comes in a 2.5L can. It is also available in a 5L can and a sample tin of 125ml.
Ended: 2014-08-01
The Dimple Design Bauble is now on sale for only £2.50. This is made of dimpled mercury glass and it is available in smoke or gold finishes. It can be used as display to your home and you can have multiples of this as a tabletop decoration.
Ended: 2014-08-01
Relax at your very own Seba Bed for only £1,095. This is a double sized bed that comes in opulent dark tones. It is handcrafted solid Indonesian teak and it has a simplistic yet elegant design. There is a curved headboard and slightly tapered legs to create a delicate appearance.
Ended: 2014-08-01