Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Bathroom Wall Discount Codes
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Expired coupons for Bathroom Wall
Old Deals at Bathroom Wall
Is there anyone who missed that movie? We don't think so! Share some awesome memories with anyone who sees you in this!
Ended: 2013-02-02
Show your love of the Thunderbird with this awesome T-shirt, available in a variety of colours!
Ended: 2013-02-02
It's sleazy and it rocks! Available in white and pink so people actually know you're a girl with amazing quality and rocking price!
Ended: 2013-02-02
There's no better way to show your beliefs than through this fantastic kremlin coloured T-shirt! Order now!
Ended: 2013-02-02
Come Crawling Faster Obey Your Master ... Do you think those are the best lyrics ever written? Show it to everyone! Stylish, high quality and with a variety of colours available, this T-shirt is awesome!
Ended: 2013-02-02
Buy 4 or more of Bathroom Wall's amazing T-shirts and we will deliver them for free!
Ended: 2013-02-02
Codes for other stores..
Store's Description
A popular site for people who love rock 'n' roll has just popped up in Kent. Bathroom Wall sells T-shirts inspired by rock 'n' roll bands, movies, television shows, and other artistic mediums. You can find a wide variety of designs on the site. If you can't find a T-shirt that fits your personality, try the unofficial versions. You might even find something you didn't even know existed.
BathroomWall is a small family-run business that sells T-shirts designed by people like you. The company is based in deepest Kent, just below London and France. It started as a hobby when the founders were terrified they would never be able to land a proper job. They were inspired by a love of rock 'n' roll and 80s fashion, and were fed up with their lack of opportunities. Their inspiration came from the fact that they spent far too much time in the 80s listening to Sunset Strip metal bands.
Tiles, on the other hand, are not only beautiful, but also require consistent upkeep. The grout between tiles needs to be cleaned every couple of months, requiring several days of work. Tiles also attract mould and require constant maintenance, making them expensive per square meter. Tiles also need to be repainted regularly, so they don't look good as new after a few years. And because of their porous nature, tiles are difficult to maintain.