Updated Mon 10 February 2025
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Old Deals at Audible
The Cuckoo's Calling audio book. The story revolves around a private investigator of looking into a murder case of a young model.
Ended: 2018-12-31

The Broken Homes audio book. The story revolves around a crime story of a murder investigation and a killer on the loose in London.
Ended: 2018-12-31

The Inferno audio book. The story involves Robert Langdon, a symbologist, in mystery filled masterpiece journey within the heart of Europe.
Ended: 2018-12-31

The Watching You audio book. The story revolves Marnie Logan and her concerns of her being observed by an someone despite seeking the aid of a psychologist.
Ended: 2018-12-31

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Store's Description
The Audible website offers a variety of subscription options, including one, three, or six-month Gift Memberships. Each month brings a new selection of audiobooks for you to listen to. The Audible Library lets you organise your titles, categorise them, and add favourites. Once you have downloaded an audiobook, you can use the Library to access it at a later time. You can also mark titles as started or finished.
You can listen to audiobooks at any time, anywhere. Audible's library includes over 400,000 titles - ranging from children's books to full-length novels. Audible also produces new audiobooks for subscribers. While you can buy individual titles, it's best to subscribe to a membership plan so you can enjoy unlimited audiobooks. Then you can exchange your credits for more audiobooks. You can also listen to audiobooks and Audible Original Podcasts without interruption.
The Audible website has an easy-to-navigate interface. To find the right book for your needs, simply browse through the catalogue by category and genre. Audible is a fantastic choice for those who enjoy nonfiction, fantasy, and mystery titles. Moreover, the website offers free 30-day trial memberships, so you can check out the quality of their audiobooks before purchasing. You'll be pleasantly surprised by how good they are!
When you subscribe to Audible, you'll be given the option to add the relevant number of audiobooks to your library for free, and you can buy more at a discounted price if you want. You can also get generous discounts on hundreds of titles. Aside from audiobooks, you'll also have access to Audible Original Podcasts and more. Finally, you can save money on books by listening to Audible.co.uk on your mobile devices.