Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Thistle Hotels Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Thistle Hotels
Receive 20% off on their bed and breakfast rates when you stay for 2 nights or more! Start booking and key in the promo code: TTT86.
Ended: 2013-09-01
The Park & Fly 21 Days package. They have hotels available close to the UK international and regional aiports where you can leave your parked vehicle for up to 21 days. The package can also be used at the Thistle London Heathrow.
Ended: 2013-12-31
A 2-night package stay at the Thistle Hotel. Book at any of their UK based hotels with a low package of £148.00 per package.
Ended: 2013-12-31
The Aberdeen Retail Therapy Package. The package features 3 shopping centres in Aberdeen to choose from; stay at the Thistle Aberdeen Altens; pool and sauna; complimentary wine on arrival; complimentary breakfast; John Lewis shopping plus: complimentary coffee and pastry, personal shopper, beauty consultation, and a free gift wrapping; and a non-charging late check-out. Enter the code: QQQ99.
Ended: 2013-12-31