Updated Thu 23 January 2025
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Expired coupons for YORKTEST
Old Deals at YORKTEST
Gut health is very important to avoid all those indigestions. Check yours now with this simple test!
Ended: 2013-02-02
Pinpointing the cause is the way to deal with allergies. The idea is that when you know what's causing your problem, you can find ways to stay away from it. So figure it out with this simple allergy test and avoid those nasty allergic reactions.
Ended: 2013-02-02
If you enjoy having a few drinks quite often you should check your liver condition to make sure it is handling it well. This simple test will let you know if any steps should be taken.
Ended: 2013-02-02
This is our complete programme dedicated to figuring out which foods are or aren't for you and how to deal with that. Order yours now!
Ended: 2013-02-02
You think you have some food intolerance but you are unsure? This basic test will tell you just that - whether you need to investigate further or you were just imagining.
Ended: 2013-02-02
Monitoring your Homocysteine is just as important as checking your cholesterol levels. Prevent illness and have yourself tested right in your home!
Ended: 2013-02-02
Find out your reactions to different drink ingredients. Single prick test right in your home. With money back guarantee!
Ended: 2013-02-02
This program tests over 158 different drink and food ingredients and designs a personalised list of foods which are suitable for your diet, taking into account your intolerances. This has been shown as being effective at reducing symptoms of IBS. Refund of £279 available if no reactions are found. See site for terms and conditions.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Are you suffering from food intolerance symptoms? Get First Step Test at only £9.99 and discover about your IgG food reactions.
Ended: 2015-12-31
Do you want to analyse your IgG antibody reaction to different food and drink ingredients? Take "Food Drink Scan Programme" and know all information relating to the reaction of IgG antibodies to 158 different food and drink ingredients. Priced at only 299.00.
Ended: 2015-12-31
Do you have any problem related to food intolerance symptoms? Are you looking for a diet which has been made particularly for you? Take "Food Scan Programme" at only £250.oo and get tests for IgG antibodies to 113 foods by highly experienced persons.
Ended: 2015-12-31
Are you looking for a drink intolerance testing programme? Visit yorktest.com and take the "Drink Scan Programme" to get all the information about IgG antibody reaction in your blood.
Ended: 2015-12-31
Do you know that high level of homocystine is responsible for increasing the risk of Alzheimers? Take the "Homocystine Test" and know whether the levels of your homocystine reaches the danger level or not.
Ended: 2015-12-31
Are you anxious about the condition of your liver? Take the innovative “LiverCheck" test to know all the information relating to the condition of your liver within just 10 days.
Ended: 2015-12-31
Do you know that poor gut function can cause serious digestive disorders? Get the Gut Health Test and check the status of your gut, as soon as possible.
Ended: 2015-12-31
Are you suffering from a severe allergy? Do you want to know the cause and remedy of your allergy? Visit yorktest.com and take an "Allergy Test" to identify and control your allergy.
Ended: 2015-12-31
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Store's Description
If you are interested in finding out how your blood sugar levels compare to others, you may have run across an ad for YorkTest. The ads featured testimonials from people who had taken the tests. The ad featured a woman at the beginning of the ad, who later came back to tell us that simple dietary changes made a world of difference. To find out if YorkTest is right for you, order a home to laboratory test today!
A blood sample is all it takes to order the YorkTest food sensitivity test. The site provides various tests ranging from a simple yes or no test, such as the PS20 yes/no test, to more complex ones like food intolerance. Each test only requires a small amount of blood, so it is easy to administer. Afterward, you'll find out what foods are causing your elevated levels of IgG antibodies.
YorkTest launched its first food sensitivity test over 22 years ago. The test measures specific antibodies in the blood that are raised when someone has a reaction to a certain food. People with food sensitivities do not have food allergies, but they may experience a reaction to certain foods. The YorkTest food sensitivity test is highly accurate and boasts a 98% reproducibility rate. There is no other online food sensitivity test as accurate.
The YorkTest food intolerance test is not a definitive diagnosis of a disease or condition. YorkTest recommends consulting a GP prior to participating in their programme. The website's website clearly describes what it means by food intolerance and says it's not an allergy test. Food intolerance is a term that encompasses a range of conditions including coeliac disease, enzyme deficiencies, lactose intolerance, and IgE-mediated allergies.