Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Toca Social Discount Codes
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Store's Description
Guests can choose from a range of food and drink packages. There's also a Willy Wonka dessert room where you can sample the chocolatey delights. This fun destination has something for everyone. Fun is at the heart of TOCA Social, with arcade games, foosball tables, photo booths, and a bath in the main bar. To cap it off, TOCA Social has an incredible interior design that is sure to make guests feel at home.
Toca Social opened its first location in August 2021 in the iconic O2 in London. The venue has exceeded expectations and already hosts more than 25,000 people a month. The company estimates that more than five million balls have been kicked at the venue. Guests have also included athletes and celebrities. TOCA Social has become a hotspot for celebrities, including the cast of Ted Lasso. KSI, the global superstar, has played at TOCA Social.
The company was founded by Eddie Lewis, a two-time U.S. World Cup midfielder. He also served in the English Premier League for many years. Despite being a world-renowned player, TOCA's soccer division also owns fourteen soccer training centers in North America. Currently, it has 18 affiliate locations worldwide. But in a world where soccer is gaining popularity on a global scale, TOCA Social is a great place to go for a casual game of soccer.
Inspired by the way Lewis trains, TOCA Social is an interactive platform that lets people experience a unique football experience. To play, players control a soccer ball that is fired across the floor at high speed. They must then hit targets on an interactive screen to score points. TOCA is backed by England captain Kane, who says that the game gives him more fun than he could ever imagine with his teammate. TOCA's founders are confident in the future of the company.