Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Terravision Discount Codes
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Expired coupons for Terravision
Old Deals at Terravision
A shuttle service that is quick and reliable connecting from Rome Fiumcinio International Airport to the the Rome Termini Station. Start exploring Rome through this route.
Ended: 2013-02-02
A bus ride connecting Rome Ciampino to Rome Termini Station at an affordable cost. Service provided by Terravision.
Ended: 2013-02-02
A coach shuttle made to take you from the Liverpool Airport all the way to the Manchester City Centre. Service provided by Terravision.
Ended: 2013-02-02
A fast way to travel. Very quick and best of all cheap via train with the train keeping your entertained with its wi-fi internet and TV.
Ended: 2013-02-02
Go from Gatwick Airport to the London City Centre via train. An easiest and cheap way to get to the city a lot faster.
Ended: 2013-02-02
Coach services from Terravision can connect you from the London Luton Airport to the London City Centre. Comes with several important stops along the way.
Ended: 2013-02-02
10% discount on tickets purchased online between 1 -2 on selected destinations. Please visit website for more details. Offer ends on 27th June 2013.
Ended: 2013-06-27
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Store's Description
To save money while purchasing at Terravision, you can sign up for their loyalty program. Registering for this program is completely free and you will earn points on every transfer you make. Once you have accumulated enough points, you can exchange them for discounts. Moreover, students can take advantage of a special student discount offered by Terravision. Students can avail of this discount if they have their student ID cards and can provide them with a confirmation email upon registering for the program.
The company was founded in Rome, Italy in 2002 and has eighteen airport transfer services throughout Europe. Terravision offers airport transfers from several European airports, including Mazara del Vallo and Marsala in Palermo. This way, travellers can easily travel from their home cities to the places they want to visit without worrying about transportation. Apart from offering a safe and convenient transfer, Terravision allows customers to purchase their tickets online.
The company also provides WiFi on its buses. However, this WiFi connection is only good for checking emails and chatting with friends - not for binge-watching. If you're a big fan of television shows, Terravision's WiFi connection might be the only option available. Aside from the limited bandwidth, Terravision's WiFi speeds are unreliable. So, make sure to plan accordingly and use the Terravision app to access the service.