Updated Sat 18 January 2025
Flaviar Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Flaviar
For a limited time only, benefit from this amazing introductory offer, and get your first monthly tasting pack delivered direct to your door for just £17.99.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Get 5 samples, each of 45 ml, of amazing spirits from around the world each month, as well as some tips on how to drink and get the most from your samples, and a stylish box.
Ended: 2018-12-31
If you know someone who enjoys spirits and likes to try new flavours then this is the perfect gift for them. Get them a single box, or subscribe to get a new box every month for them.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Flaviar is a members only website. Join for free and you can set up your own bar, invite your friends to join you and share in your taste in spirits.
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
With a subscription service, Flaviar allows you to try a wide variety of premium liquors without committing to a full bottle. The spirits are authentic and packaged to match the size of full-size bottles. For a small fee, you can also gain access to the larger Flaviar community. You'll receive exclusive access to members-only events and features, such as Flavor Match recommendations, thousands of bottle reviews, and a digital home bar.
A subscription to the Flaviar whiskey club allows you to taste a wide variety of premium alcoholic beverages. A subscription will allow you to access exclusive bottlings and sample packs from different distilleries. Members can also take advantage of free events and exclusive membership benefits, such as free distillery tours. With a variety of whiskeys and other premium liquors available, this company has something for every palate. With a membership, you'll never run out of new things to try.
The company also offers free sampling of their spirits. You can try three different products for free every quarter. You can use the credits you earn to buy bottles, or even private bottlings. The subscription costs about $300 annually, which is less than most similar services. The benefits of this service are clear: it is cheaper than most of its competitors. And the best part? You can cancel your subscription any time.
The yearly membership plan offers 4 times the amount of tasting packs. It also includes four premium bottles and gives you exclusive access to hard-to-find spirits. For die-hard spirits enthusiasts, this plan will satisfy their needs and satisfy their thirst for premium alcoholic beverages. With this membership plan, you can access premium spirits with insider information. Members also get free shipping on their qualifying orders. Lastly, Flaviar also offers a wide variety of complementary premium bottles.