Updated Thu 23 January 2025
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Old Deals at Soleara.com
Book a vacation with your friends at Pontebari Villa with Pool I60.053 from December 22-31, 2012 and enjoy 20% discount on your house rentals.
Ended: 2013-02-02
Enjoy 15% discount when you book a vacation from December 22-29, 2012 in Spain's comfortable holiday house Pals Appartment S17.044.
Ended: 2012-12-29
Have a grand and memorable vacation at Saint-Privat-de-Champclos Holiday House With Pool F30.082 for only €385,00 per week from Dec. 22, 2012 to Jan.05, 2013 and enjoy €165,00 discount.
Ended: 2013-01-05
Enjoy €108,30 discount when you book a 1 week vacation at Saint-Germain-Plage Holiday House F50.008 from January 06 to February 09, 2013 for just €252,70.
Ended: 2013-02-09
Save €120,60 when you book a 1 week stay at Provence-Côte d'Azur Holiday House F84.146 from September 29 up to December 29, 2012.
Ended: 2012-12-29
Reduced from €2855 check out this great limited time offer today.
Ended: 2017-03-01