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Updated Thu 23 January 2025

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Offer Terms | Shared November 23, 2016 | Expires October 10, 2039

Offer Terms | Shared October 19, 2017 | Expires December 31, 2039

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To get started, sign up for a free trial account at After that, you're on your way to enjoying your new posture every day! Then, check out these other benefits of sitting in a standing position. You'll be glad you did!

If you're a long-time couch potato, you may be interested in finding a Standing Desk that fits your unique needs. Some of the best standing desk makers allow you to customize your desktop in order to match your workspace. Others make frames separately from the desk's desktops. Either way, you should be able to find the perfect desk for your space. Here are three things to look for when shopping for a standing desk.

The Uplift V2 features top-notch build quality. It also has built-in stability braces. The Uplift is also very easy to adjust and has a smooth, dual-motor system for ease of height changes. In addition, the Uplift V2's anti-collision technology makes it possible to easily switch between standing and sitting heights. But be aware that electric-adjustable desks cost more than manual-adjustable ones.

Using a standing desk has several health benefits. Studies have shown that standing for long periods of time improves mood and increases energy levels. Furthermore, studies have linked increased sitting time with an increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Even if you don't have an underlying heart disease or a history of high blood pressure, increasing the amount of time you spend sitting at your desk can boost your life span by up to 2 years.

Branch Standing Desk is a highly versatile piece of furniture. With its patented dual motor system, this desk is one of the highest-rated standing desks in our roundup. It features an impact and stain-resistant surface, dual motors, a three-stage column system, and adjustable feet. The Flexispot is also one of the best-value budget options on the market, but it has some noticeable drawbacks. This desk is not the best option for everyone.